
- Delivery -

Delivery & Payment

We promise not just fast water delivery but designate a specific period of time — 60 min *.

● Subject to ordering before 18:00 (on Sun until 15:00);● It is possible to change the delivery time the next day after the holidays;● Delivery time may vary for offices;● Intervals are subject to change due to difficult weather and traffic conditions;● Delivery outside the city may have a number of restrictions — check with the manager.

  • Get a discount for our delay:

    10 min. = 10% discount!

* The discount is not provided for complex traffic conditions;* The discount is not available the day after the public holiday;* The maximum discount is not more than $10.

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Taking Orders

Mon-Sat 08:00 - 20:00
Sun 09:00 - 18:00

Delivering Orders

Mon-Sat 09:00 - 20:00
Sun 09:00 - 18:00

Phone Number

+1 (234) 567 89 00+1 (234) 567 89 01